Invisalign vs. Veneers

This is a common question we hear: which option is better for me, Invisalign or veneers? Both have their pros and cons. Let’s take a look at the differences between these two types of treatments!

Invisalign with Veneers

Invisalign is a series of clear aligners that are custom-made to fit your teeth. Each set of aligners is designed to move your teeth a little bit more so that you can reach the final result, which will be perfectly straight and aligned teeth. Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are bonded to your teeth. In most cases, veneers visually produce better results than Invisalign because they cover all or most of the front surface of each tooth (the part we see). However, they are typically more expensive than Invisalign because they require both an initial consultation fee and ongoing maintenance fees as well as additional visits if you need adjustments or repairs over time

Since Invisalign is a series of clear aligners that are custom-made to fit your teeth, one of the biggest differences between each method comes down to affordability. Invisalign is more affordable than veneers. You won’t have to worry about any additional costs for ongoing maintenance or repairs.

What is it?

Invisalign is a system of clear plastic aligners that are custom-made to slowly move your teeth into their correct position. You wear each set of aligners for about two weeks, then switch to the next in sequence until you’ve completed your treatment.

Veneers are porcelain shells bonded to the front surface of teeth to change their appearance, shape, and size. They’re often used to cover discolored or chipped enamel because they’re so durable and strong, but can also be used as part of orthodontic treatment if necessary (for example, when teeth need to be reshaped).

With Invisalign, the process begins by taking impressions of your mouth using a tray filled with a soft putty-like substance called “alginate” that adheres tightly onto your teeth so it can be scanned by a computer scanner at our office. The scan creates an image that enables us to design customized dental aligners specifically for you based on your unique smile situation — whether it’s crowded or spaced out! Once we’ve designed each tray and sent them back home with you (which typically takes less than 10 minutes), all that’s left is wearing them 20-22 hours per day while eating regular food (excluding sticky foods like peanut butter). After two weeks in each tray have passed, we’ll see how well things have progressed before sending more trays until we reach the final result!

How does it work?

Although both Invisalign and veneers are popular options in the orthodontic world, they’re quite different when it comes to how they work.

Each set of Invisalign aligners is worn for about two weeks and then replaced with the next set in sequence until you reach your desired result. While you’re wearing Invisalign aligners, you can eat whatever you want – including sticky or chewy foods – but you won’t be able to floss between your teeth as easily as usual because there’s no room between them!

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that fit over your teeth for a more polished look and feel than traditional braces can provide without requiring any changes to how your jaw functions or what foods you eat. Veneer treatment usually takes just two visits: one appointment to get impressions taken and create computer models of each tooth; another visit several weeks later to receive the final product!


The whole Invisalign process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on how many aligners are used. Dentists in Calabasas can offer to combine with other treatments like veneers or Invisalign Teen. The first step is to get impressions, which are used to create a series of teeth molds. These are then sent to Invisalign to be digitized and 3D printed into aligners that fit perfectly over each tooth. The aligners are made out of clear plastic and have been designed with special surface textures that help them stay in place without being noticeable when you speak or eat.

Invisalign Treatment Overview:

-The first appointment will include taking impressions of your teeth and recording the measurements. This is then sent to Invisalign to create a computer model of your teeth.

-A few weeks later you’ll come back for an adjustment appointment where they’ll take another set of impressions, make sure everything is correct, and give you instructions on how to wear your aligners.

-For the next two weeks, wear one aligner at a time for about 22 hours per day (except when eating or brushing). The process is simple: The orthodontist will take impressions of your teeth, which are then sent to Invisalign. The company creates a 3D digital scan of each tooth and custom-design aligners, which are then shipped back to the office.

dentist in calabasas

How long does it take?

Invisalign is a great option if you’re looking to improve your smile without having to go under the knife. There are several different aligners, each designed for a specific stage of treatment. These stages take about two weeks each to complete, and each set is a different color so that you know exactly where you are in your process.

Invisalign can be sped up by going back more often than once every six weeks—something we encourage our patients who have busy schedules and travel frequently to do—but if you stick with the recommended schedule, it should take about eight to twelve weeks (or less!) for Invisalign treatment to run its course.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: Veneers are a great option for those who want to make small changes to their smile, but who aren’t willing or able to undergo the extensive treatment that Invisalign can require. They’re also less expensive than Invisalign when done by an experienced dentist.

Disadvantages: Traditional veneers take longer than Invisalign (about 2 weeks), and they don’t always stay firmly in place. Also, if you aren’t happy with your smile after wearing traditional veneers for some time, it’s more difficult or impossible to remove them than it is with Invisalign.

Advantages: One advantage of Invisalign over traditional veneers is that if something goes wrong with the aligners or your teeth do not move correctly during treatment, you have the option of seeing your dentist sooner rather than later—which can save you money spent on fixing mistakes down the road!

Disadvantages: While many patients find this treatment easy and effective, some people don’t like wearing aligner trays because they feel uncomfortable or unnatural on their teeth; others simply prefer having porcelain veneers placed instead because these look more natural and permanent than aligner trays do (in fact sometimes people mistakenly refer them as “braces”).

You have options for achieving your best smile. Most of all this depends on what you want and need.

You have options for achieving your best smile. Most of all this depends on what you want and need. You can get both Invisalign and Veneers if needed. Both are effective in straightening teeth but each has its pros and cons. You should discuss with the dentist which one will work best for your specific situation. Getting both treatments is not recommended as it could result in complications or unnecessary costs due to overlapping appointments or additional procedures (if any).

Invisalign is a great alternative for people who don’t want to wear braces and it is also less invasive than getting veneers because it uses no metal. Invisalign can be used on a patient of any age and has been shown to produce results similar to those of traditional orthodontics. It is also more cost-effective than having porcelain veneers put in place because Invisalign requires fewer checkups at the dentist’s office over time as well as fewer visits during the treatment period compared with getting veneers done every few months or so. Consult with a dentist in Calabasas today!

Invisalign vs. Veneers was last modified: June 22nd, 2023 by admin